Pricing & Orders


Prices are as published and are subject to change. Retailer prices are based on volume. Pricing may be reduced for large quantities. Please call for more details. (800) 624-8681.

Order Minimum

We no longer have a minimum order requirement.


We support online orders, and phone or fax orders.

-Orders may be faxed to: (269) 983-0029.

-Phone orders may be placed by calling: (800) 624-8681.

-Online orders may be placed at:

Net 30 customers may also submit a PO via email to

Please include billing and shipping information, email address, phone number, and credit card number and expiration date if ordering by credit card.

International Orders (Other than Canada)

Due to the changes for international shipping due to Hazmat Restrictions and the constant changes of which countries are excepting international shipments due to COVID we are no long shipping items outside of the USA or Canada as of 12/1/2021. We apologize for the inconvenience.


Payment in advance by Personal or Business Check, Money Order, or with approved credit (completion of a credit application required with Bank and Trade References). Credit Card orders are accepted for VISA®, MasterCard®, American Express®, and Discover®.


With approved credit, 30 days net, Due upon receipt. After 30 days, 1.5%/Mo. (18%/YEAR) interest charged. To request a credit application, please call (800) 624-8681 or download business Net30 application here (Business requirements to apply: 3-years minimum time in business; bank balance average of $10,000 minimum) or Government/School application (profile) here.


Please email us, fax, or call us for a free quote on price and availability. Please provide all information that you have when requesting a quote: quantity you desire, part number or item number, make or model of item that the battery is used in, voltage and mAh rating. Our 800 number and fax line are on 24 hours a day, 7 days a week (voice mail off hours).

You can reach our office staff between 8AM-5PM ET Monday thru Friday. Just call (800) 624-8681 or fax (269) 983-0029 for information or to order.

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